Saving Amy Book


Saving Amy
Paperback Book
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Michael Lawson Ministry
P.O. Box 190
Hope, IN 47246


Amy’s problem was life threatening on more than one occasion. Janice, being her mother and a former nurse, found herself constantly doing every thing in her power to keep Amy alive.  Doctors, other medical personnel, family members, friends, churches, and communities all gave tremendous efforts toward helping.

While you are reading Janice’s accounts of the journey to save Amy, you will get a real sense of the importance of her faith and the faith of Amy as well as others. “Saving Amy” is a book readers will want to finish once started, a book that will likely make most readers feel very fortunate, a book that will help some readers cope better with their own family health battles.
~David Webster


Thanks to everyone who came out and supported our book signing.  Great success!  If you missed it please feel free to order a copy of the book here online or contact us by mailing payment to address provided.